Return an Item

Returns Information

If you need to return your order you must contact our customer service team within 14 days of receiving the goods, supplying this form, before sending your item back. You can contact us by:
- phone: (+44) 0161 831 3700
- email:
- website contact form
Please include your name, order number and reasoning so that we can assist further.

Please provide photographic evidence if the goods are faulty. Once notified, we will then email you an acceptance confirmation email (assuming the goods meet our returns criteria), which will include instructions on how to complete your return and address label. Please note all UK returns must be received back to us within 7 days of a returns acceptance. All international orders must be received back within 10 days of a returns acceptance. If you have received the incorrect stock or ratio of stock, we require the whole carton/s to be returned to us so we can then send out the correct carton/s to you.

We recommend sending the goods using an insured and traceable delivery service providing signed proof of delivery. You are liable for the cost of returning the goods unless it is agreed otherwise at our discretion. We reserve the right to charge a handling fee for returned items of up to 20%. Once we have received your returned items we will issue a refund via your original payment method. We will process your return within 14 days of receiving it back in our warehouse. Please be aware that refunds can take up to 7 working days to show back in your account depending on who you bank with.

Please ensure your returned box is marked clearly with your order number. All items should be returned in their original condition/packaging and the outer box clearly marked with your order number. You are responsible for the goods until they are received at our warehouse and we will not be liable for any loss or damage incurred whilst returns are in transit or for the return postage costs.